Nomad Story
NoMad Story
Ronald de Waal aka the Flying Dutchman is a real NoMad brewer. With over 25 years of brewing experience under his belt, Ronald is one of the torchbearers of the craft beer movement. He has brewed beers in Finland, the Netherlands and Belgium and works with the best craft breweries. He loves to wander from one brewery to another and dream about exciting new beer recipes. He loves the freedom of choice and the freedom of the way. Cheers for that!
If ever there was a man fit to be a nomadic brewer, it's Ronald de Waal. He is a soul searcher, traveler of the earth, constantly on the move, inquiring and observing. Ronald is a real nomadic brewer. Or to be more precise, a NoMad brewer. The first time you meet Ronald, you are struck by a zen-like aura. He smiles, looks you in the eye and you immediately feel at ease. He is a contented, happy man doing what he loves most: brewing great beers with great freedom.
In the late 1980s, Ronald studies food technology in the Netherlands and does an internship at the craft brewery De Raaf. He is then asked to join the company as a brewer and spends a few fruitful years with them. Then a beautiful Finnish blonde appears in his path. Ronald throws everything away and moves to Finland. Unfortunately, it's the early 1990s and nobody has heard of specialty beers. There is no job for a Dutch brewer. Fortunately, Ronald is a handsome guy with quite long hair, so he gets a job as a mermaid at an amusement park. Not a wet dream for a brewer, but it pays the bills. There are no interesting beers on the market, so Ronald decides to make one. It is 1994 and the beer, which is still fondly remembered by aficionados, is called Bergzigt. It is stronger and hoppier than any other beer on the Finnish market. The Finns are amazed, can beer taste like this? Bergzigt is brewed at De Raaf and De Hemel breweries in the Netherlands, giving Ronald the first taste of nomadic brewing. It's 1997 and Ronald works for a small craft brewer in Espoo, Finland, developing new recipes. Feeling ready for the big leap, he founds Diamond Beer Brewing Company. The nomadic brewing continues, this time in Belgium. Ronald becomes a trendsetter in developing and introducing new beer styles to Finns. He is even officially awarded for his work and influence on Finnish beer culture. In addition to creating its own products, Diamond Beer becomes the largest importer of specialty beers by introducing more than 1000 new beers from all over the world to Finns who are thirsty for new experiences. Diamond Beer becomes successful and is sold in 2008. Ronald will work next year as a business developer.

Life is getting too businesslike and the call of the road is getting louder. Ronald jumps into his motor home and follows his heart through Europe and North Africa. It's time to look at the stars and enjoy life. Several years pass and a plan begins to evolve. Ronald decides to do what he loves most: brew great beers in freedom. He becomes a real nomadic brewer.
The Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that can never reach port and is doomed to sail the oceans forever. Ronald de Waal is a nomadic brewer who can never make boring beer and is doomed to roam around breweries forever. The Flying Dutchman NoMad Brewing Co's beers are here to enjoy. There will be many more to come. They are all made with love. Cheers!